We can help with all your blocked drainage systems in Canberra.
We offer preventative and emergency drain cleaning services in the Canberra and Queanbeyan regions and have done so for over 30 years. We are a small but dedicated, professional, family-owned business with all the necessary drain-cleaning equipment.
Call 0448 844 911 for help today.
Understand the signs and risks of blocked drains.
- Blocked stormwater systems can lead to subsidence and flooding. Here are some more risks and early warning signs of blocked stormwater.
- Blocked sewer pipes have a range of health risks. Learn about these and ways to detect blocked sewerage early.
Tree roots in drains can cause severe chokes, creating blocked stormwater systems and sewer pipes.
These blockages lead to overflowing drains, blocked toilets, smelly drains or leaking drains that leach water into the soil around them and underfloor spaces and basements.
Plastic (UPVC) pipes, clay pipes, concrete and cement pipes, cast iron pipes, and any other piping material can become blocked or partially blocked with tree roots.
You should always use a professional to unblock your drain with an electric eel or high-pressure water blaster. We offer blocked drain services in Canberra, and our team of qualified plumbers has been clearing root, fat, and other blockages in Canberra since the early 1990s.
Remember, all tree roots regrow unless the offending tree or trees are removed, and you should have the tree roots in your drains removed at the first sign of a blockage.
The bigger the roots get, the harder they are to remove and the more damage they will cause to your drains.
We aim to keep costs to our customers minimum and will always try to clear tree roots from stormwater and sewer drains before recommending a drain replacement or repair. Many homeowners can avoid costly excavations with a yearly drain clean.
However, if your sewer or stormwater drain continually blocks with tree roots – given the resulting damage tree roots can cause and the health risks – owners should consider the benefits of a replacement using heavy-duty UPVC piping.

We can help you with all your blocked drains in the Canberra region.
Call 6 Star Hot Water and Plumbing now for fast and affordable cleaning of blocked drains in Canberra.
We can help you with blocked drainage in Canberra and identify sewer and stormwater blockage signs and risks.
Call 0448 844 911 to clear tree roots and avoid sewer and stormwater drain blockages in Canberra, Queanbeyan, Woden, Belconnen, Tuggeranong, and Gungahlin.